Prevention of helminthsconsists of adherence to strict hygiene rules. Many people have no idea that we are infected with many parasites. Fatigue, apathy, headaches, and poor digestion are most commonly attributed to overwork or food quality. And few think these symptoms may indicate a parasitic infection.
The worst part is that helminthiases are hidden, slowly undermining our health. The risk group includes children, whose bodies are often vulnerable to parasites. Therefore, it is very important to prevent worms in a natural way through immunity.
Helminths and damage to the body
In humans, worm infections can be caused by more than 400 species of parasitic worms. Infection often occurs with contaminated food and water, less frequently helminths penetrate the body through the skin.

Depending on the route of infection, the parasites are divided into three groups:
- biohelm samples- through food (echinococcus, bovine and porcine earthworm);
- geohelm samples- feces, household items, sometimes water-contaminated hands (whipworm, hookworm, tapeworm);
- comes in contact with worms- personal contact with an infected person, less commonly self-infection (needle worm, dwarf earthworm).
According to the structure of the body, parasites are divided into the following types:
- round (nematodes);
- tape (cestodes);
- warts (they have a strong suction head and a flat body).
The risk group includes children attending kindergarten, farm workers, immunocompromised patients, the elderly and the elderly. Pets can also be a risk of infection.
In adults, helminthiasis is often latent (latent), of prolonged course, and presents with various clinical symptoms disguised as different pathologies. Children are characterized by acute symptoms with acute symptoms, which are related to the characteristics of the immune system.
Helminths use the human body as a source of food, habitat, and reproduction. Instead, by releasing the products of their vital activity, worms cause systemic toxic damage to human organs and systems.
For example, hookworm larvae secrete an anticoagulant to maintain blood flow. It is estimated that A. duodenale alone causes a blood loss of 0. 2 ml per day. The presence of 25 helminths in the body is enough to lose 5 ml of blood. But there are usually many more of them. As a result, the infected person suffers from severe anemia.
According to several studies, helminthic invasions contribute to the more frequent development of somatic diseases, the exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and have a negative effect on the host, including its immune system.
Most helminthiasis are characterized by a chronic course associated with the prolonged presence of the pathogen in the body and recurrent infections. Children with helminthiasis are often accompanied by a number of non-specific symptoms: weakness, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, dyspepsia, growth retardation and weight gain, and decreased immunity.
Diseases caused by helminths reduce the ability to work and impair the quality of life.
The role of immunity against helminths
The immune system guards our health. It protects the body from the intrusion of viruses, bacteria and parasites. Unfortunately, immunity copes a little worse with the latter. This is especially true for children. The child's defenses are not sufficiently developed, and helminthic invasions further impair the body's resistance to infections. Therefore, it is very important to prevent helminths in children.

Antiparasitic immunity is similar to antibacterial immunity. Both cellular and humoral connections are involved in protection against helminths. The first barrier against intruders is the skin and mucous membranes. More often, worms enter the body through the digestive system. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines contain immune cells that trigger a series of reactions to expel the parasite and remove it from the body.
The problem is that helminths have their own defensive mechanisms that often allow them to easily cross the first hurdle.
Immunity to helminth samples is primary and secondary. Since the primary person is born, it is a genetically determined defense factor. The secondary is formed during life after infection and specific antibodies are produced against a certain type of parasite.
The recently discovered TSLP (Thymus Stromal Lymphopoietin) has aroused great interest among scientists. Due to its unique properties, the cytokine plays an important role in protecting the body against worms. Depending on the nature of the infection, TSLP may enhance or suppress the defense response regulated by the two types of T lymphocytes.
The likelihood of infection is highly dependent on innate immunity and the health of the immune system as a whole, the effectiveness of which is always individual and depends on the type of worm.
The good functioning of the immune system depends on our diet, if the body lacks the vitamins and minerals needed to build up immune cells, the response to infections will be weak and the fight will end in defeat.
Immunity requires biologically active substances that come to us with food. In the case of chronic stress and illness, it is essential to support the immune system with vitamins and microelements, as the body uses all the nutrients to strengthen the nervous system, as well as herbs. And only in extreme cases should you seek medication.
How does immunity to worms work?
Primary immunity to helminths can work in several ways:
- The parasite adapts to the internal environment of the host, grows well, develops and multiplies. The immune response is minimal. In such cases, helminthiasis is long-term, sometimes severe. An example is the dwarf tapeworm invasion.
- There is a moderate immune response to the introduction of helminth. This limits the worm's fertility. For example, tapeworm.
- The defense response is well expressed, which inhibits the full development of the parasite. The worm does not reach sexual maturity, but it can be harmful to health. The disease is short-lived or latent.
- Effective primary immunity stops parasites from entering the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, helminths do not penetrate the internal organs and are not harmful to health.
Secondary immunity helps the body respond faster and more effectively to repeated helminthic invasion. This prevents the worms from developing in the first stage of the infection and reduces the toxic effects. The protective reaction is based on the presence of antibodies (immunoglobulins) in the blood against these types of helminths.
The main links in immune protection against parasite invasion are:
- a reaction of the tissues of the internal organs leading to isolation (capsule formation) and the death of the worms;
- Production of class A and E immunoglobulins;
- changes in hormonal activity, especially of estrogens, found in both the female and male bodies;
- hereditary factor (primary anti-parasitic immunity).
A sign of infection is a high eosinophil content in the blood, which indicates an allergic reaction. The second important point is the steep increase in immunoglobulin E concentration, provided there is no food intolerance.
Important rules for prevention
Immunity copes with the introduction of parasites in different ways, not always effectively enough. Our job is to help the body prevent the threat of an alien invasion. Preventive measures must be observed at all times and without exception.
Parents should teach their child the rules of personal hygiene from an early age to minimize the risk of infection.
Preventive measures are simple and accessible to all, while allowing the risk of helminthic invasion to be completely (or almost completely) ruled out. Nevertheless, doctors recommend that vulnerable groups perform additional drug prophylaxis, even if they take all necessary measures. Medicines should also be taken as directed by your doctor if an infection is suspected or worms are detected at the time of diagnosis.
Rules for the prevention of helminthiasis:
- Buy meat and fish products at designated locations. Sellers must have a quality certificate and a health certificate.
- Cook the food properly. Follow the rules for salting, canning and pickling.
- Drink boiled tap water or filtered water.
- Wash vegetables and fruits under running water before use. The greens can first be rinsed in soapy water and then rinsed with clean water. The strawberries are immersed in a 1% soda solution. After washing the berries thoroughly with running water. It is recommended to soak vegetables heavily contaminated with fertilizers first in a weak iodine solution (up to 0. 3%).
- Follow personal hygiene rules. Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet, after working outdoors on a garden plot, after contact with all animals, including pets.
- Regularly clean the area with disinfectants, especially in the bathroom and kitchen.
- Dehydrate pets according to veterinary procedures (usually 1-2 times a year).
- In case of enterobiasis, pay extra attention to hand and nail hygiene, wash the child at night and in the morning, change the underwear and bedding that are ironed with an iron each time. This prevents re-infection.
- A healthy lifestyle is important to strengthen and maintain our immune system. Rational diet, regular physical activity, correct response to stress, and rejection of bad habits reduce the risk of parasitic infection.
- Chemoprophylaxis 1-2 times a year according to the schedule prescribed by your doctor.

Medicines for worms are taken in the form of tablets.It is a chemoprophylaxis that aims to kill parasites that have entered the body but did not have time to elicit a reaction from the internal organs.
They have an anthelmintic effectpumpkin seeds.Before consumption, the seeds can be chopped and mixed with a little honey. The daily dose for adults is 300 grams, for children depending on age. Up to 4 years - 80 grams, up to 7 years - 100 grams, up to 10 years - 150 grams, up to 15 years - 200 grams. After 3 hours, they take a laxative.
Prevention of helminthiasis consists in strengthening the immune system, adhering to personal hygiene rules and culinary processing of products. By following simple rules, we can protect ourselves from being infected by worms. Annual chemoprophylaxis helps our immune system cope with an alien attack.
Talk to your doctor before taking an anthelmintic. Your specialist will select the treatment that is right for you and will suggest treatment. Uncontrolled reception can not only be useless but can also damage your health. Don't forget that.
An excellent alternative to pills are herbs for worms.